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Fitz Bar

Enjoy relaxing in our bar with plush furniture and free Wi-Fi, the Lounge Bar is the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of Cardiff.

The hotel recommends Slug and Lettuce for bar snacks and some more substantial meals. Slug and Lettuce is directly underneath the hotel – go out our front door, turn right and 8m along the street into Slug & Lettuce.

We are near to finalising a discount for hotel guests to eat in Slug & Lettuce.


Tripadvisor lists that there are 393 restaurants within 500m of the hotel. These offer all varieties of meals and exciting flavour choices that we simply cannot match. There are multiple quality eateries on St Mary Street, most also provide al fresco dining.

There are 1313 restaurants within Cardiff. Most are walkable or a short taxi ride from the hotel.


As the current financial climate takes its toll on our local suppliers, we have made the decision to cease serving foods in our bar until such point that we can guarantee the qualities we strive for at an acceptable price to our customers. This will be a significant element of the large scale refurbishment programme we are currently working on.

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